Design ConceptOne part reality, one part illusion - that is the dichotomy of yin and yang. This design features two hulu gourds - one positive, one negative. Through the hulu in negative on the right, the audience an see the world in front of them. Like the five senses, the liuli streams flow in and out of us, creating change. Carved cleverly into the base of the negative hulu, orchids bloom, nourished by spring rain. The hulu in positive on the left features upward rising air bubbles, conveying the vitality of life; it is solid yet clear and lucid. Two hulus, positive and negative, coexist in harmony. The design conveys Liuligongfang’s insistence on moving with kindness in a complementary coexistence, a philosophy carried through every thought, action and design. It makes an ideal gift for a loved one, business partner, close friend or elder. It conveys an elevated elegance that is sure to be appreciated. 設計概念說明: 一虛一實兩只葫蘆,透過右邊鏤空的葫蘆,看到現實世界。人間五味,仿佛隨流紋一般各有變化滋味。設計師巧心在底部雕刻幽蘭,世間的五味形如春水又滋潤著幽蘭,欣然自開。左側是一半實心葫蘆,琉璃淬煉形成的上升氣泡,展現生命的活力。雖然實心,卻明淨澄悟。虛實葫蘆,相伴相生。琉璃工房堅守至善前行,生命的多樣形式,不同的思考表達都融於琉璃工房的每一件作品。這件代表“融合相生”的琉璃葫蘆,非常適合贈送給情侶、合作夥伴、朋友長輩等,蘊含的高潔優雅與處世態度。 |