Design Concept: Smooth and rounded, the soft lines of the Liuli hulu form a gourd of two harmonious spheres to convey the idea of uniting toward a greater good. Water gushes forth from the hulu and down the body of the gourd, nourishing the yin and yang fish, never to abate. In this moment, dao exists from an inherent understanding of the dichotomous nature of the world. Featuring elements of water in bas relief and liuli streams rushing “out” of the gourd, this design symbolizes a spiritual freedom that comes out from within; melodic duality is symbolized by a pair of fish at play. 設計概念說明: 琉璃葫蘆外形柔和圓潤、線條流暢、上下球體大小不等卻渾然而成,有和諧意象,符合“尚和合”“求大同”的理念。葫蘆噴湧出泉水,滋養陰陽雙魚。泉水圓融瓶身,周流不息。此刻的“道”存在於,人們從心底出發的感悟,與這個“有無”的世界激流碰撞。瓶身飽滿圓融,淺浮雕江水紋。流紋與噴出的泉水呼應為由內而外的心靈釋放,心底的鸣音与象征阴阳的雙魚交融,互相推動,自成旋律。 |