Design Concept: A goat frolics amongst peonies, conveying best wishes for the new year. To welcome the Year of the Goat, artist Loretta H. Yang has also created a large-scale design around the idea of “ascent”. A design that encourages us to be the best that we can be, it will be available in the new year. 花好吉祥,作品名字已彰顯其靈感來源。富貴牡丹。牡丹,花大而香,有“國色天香”之稱,在中國,牡丹故事頗多,被被擁戴為花中之王,是百花中的富貴之花。琉璃工房的牡丹創作尤多,方寸間,牡丹的華麗透過透明材質表現的淋漓盡致。吉羊(祥)春風得意,悠閒自得。靜美祥和的神態下,一派唯我最神氣的感受。新年將至,這樣一件作品置於案頭、廳堂,帶給您整年的好風光。此款作品可推薦個人贈禮,或自我激勵。 |