Where is the Present Day Tang Majesty? The Dragon Within Us
Can the word “dragon” convey the history and culture, of an entire nation and people? An inkstone, an inkstick, The journey of brush across paper; With 20% of the moonlight from the western frontier, 30% of free-form calligraphy’s lack of inhibition and 50% otherworldly talent, I chronicle and inherit the pride, of a magnificent era.
盛唐今在否? 人人心底的一條龍
一字 "龍" 豈能道盡 民族千古流風? 端硯,徽墨, 湖筆遊走宣紙上; 著兩分西域的月光, 三分行草的不羈, 五分謫仙的才氣; 將盛世的驕傲, 落款,承繼。