Design Concept: The two goldfish, crafted with an intense expression in the eyes and mouth of the larger one, are a picture of swimming side by side. It gives the illusion of the fish gliding through water, with a Magnolia blossom blooming behind it, as if life was filled with so many wonderful things such as happiness, strength and beauty. With a refreshing and meaningful concept from the Magnolia comes this traditional yet free from constraint craft work that radiates with Chinese vibrance. It is a precious possession for our time – aesthetically pleasing, inspiring and full of energy. 兩條金魚並行往前遊,創作者在刻畫魚的形象時,將大眼金魚的眼和嘴的表情,作了深動有趣表現。如何將魚與花的部分協調在一起,是創作難點。只有魚往前沖,尾部花的表現,才能更明顯和和理,仿佛是魚在遊動時,尾巴開出了花朵,它是尾巴,也是浪花。所以,我們看到白玉蘭的造型變的立體,與魚相融成一體時,能感受到,生命聚集著太多的美好,是快樂,是力量。 |