Design Concept: The classic image of Guan Yu, also commonly known as Guan Gong (Lord Guan) is depicted as wearing a green robe over his body armour. He holds the Green Dragon Crescent Moon Blade in his right hand and his beard in the left. Guan Yu stands for justice, courage and is the manifestation of sustained wealth and protector of homes. Decorated in a low-relief cloud dragon motif and armour motif, Guan Yu is the general of all generals. Detailed auspicious floral motifs can be found in Guan Yu’s adornments, signifying his intellectual and physical prowess. 人物刻畫上,關羽外穿綠袍甲胄,右手執青龍偃月刀,左手拈須髯,是武關公的經典造型;民間傳說,武關公象徵正義勇猛,能鎮財化煞,保家宅平安;通過手工淺浮雕雲龍紋、盔甲紋理等,烘托一代名將的風範;細節處,以衣帶裝飾吉祥花紋,展現關公“文”與“武”之道,豐富性格表現,關羽的“忠”,扛起了世代人們追求安寧生活的心願,這一份“盡心而忠”,承千萬人之心! |