Design Concept With a daring leap, the old ways are left behind, and a new path takes shape midair. Light and shadow intertwine, creating fleeting moments of brilliance. The great aspiration of the sky dragon is boldly challenged, yet no trace is left upon the moonlit waters, embodying the essence of freedom and transcendence. 虎是「福」代表了吉祥美好的開端。「雲從龍,風從虎」,語出《易經.乾卦》,凡有雲雨的地方,就有龍的出現,有風動的地方,就有虎的出現,用以解釋天地間一種神秘的力量。老虎能夠掌握風,有順風而行的能力,動作亦如風之敏捷,如同一到光芒跨越天際。 |