The Collection: Buddha Sculptures & Figurines Design Concept: The story of this artwork dates back thousands of years and is preserved in the Dunhuang grottoes along the Silk Road in China's Gobi Desert. The bodhisattva Guanyin of a thousand arms and eyes is named for her ability to touch the hearts of countless people worldwide. This is a story of compassion so rare that it moved LIULI artist and founder, Loretta H. Yang, to sculpt a 3-meter statue of Guanyin over ten years. The lessons of kindness and compassion resonate with Yang's philosophy of art as a medium of spirituality. Consequently, her Guanyin statues have been showcased in dozens of institutions worldwide. 設計理念: 這件藝術品的故事可以追溯到數千年前,它靜靜地保存在中國戈壁沙漠的絲綢之路上著名的敦煌石窟中。千手千眼觀音因其能夠感動全世界無數人的心靈而得名。這是一段關於罕見的慈悲之情的故事,它激發了LIULI藝術家和創始人Loretta H. Yang的靈感,她花費了十年時間雕刻了一個三米高的千手千眼觀音像。慈悲和善良的教誨呼應了楊女士關於藝術作為靈性媒介的哲學。因此,她的觀音像已經展出在全球數十個機構中。 |