Design Concept: One teapot, two tea cups. The design draws inspiration from ancient Chinese interpretations of square and round concepts. The concept of a universe with a round sky and a square earth is embodied in this small vessel. The special Chinese notion of harmonious coexistence between heaven and humanity permeates the entire design. The raised relief of a mythical dragon showcases its divine form, while its posture symbolizes protection. The red glass bead, resembling a precious treasure, carries auspicious symbolism as a guardian pearl of the dragon. The body of the teapot features a repeating pattern reminiscent of ancient looping designs, representing continuous growth and vitality. The teacup's base is adorned with a relief of auspicious clouds, adding a touch of unique Eastern aesthetic beauty. “源源小壺”取中國古代對於方圓的詮釋。天圓地方的寰宇概念,在小小的器皿身上體現;特殊的中國式的天人和諧的觀念貫穿設計始末。螭龍浮雕神形兼備,回勢呈守護狀,紅色琉璃珠如珍寶,有祥龍護珠的吉祥寓意。 壺身是古代回紋的圖形,有生生不息的特徵,茶杯杯底為祥雲浮雕,具東方獨特美感。 |