Design Concept: One teapot, two tea cups. The decal pattern on the body of the teapot is derived from the works of the famous Chinese painter Ba Da Shan Ren, who was active during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. The small chubby bird exudes a simple and elegant yet firm and proud aura. The geometric shape of the teapot body gives it a lively and positive upward trend. The minimalist design of the tea set, combined with the ancient paintings, is a fascinating blend of the past and the present. 壺身貼花圖案源自中國明末清初著名畫家八大山人的畫作,小小的肥鳥,渾樸健秀卻透著一股倔強傲氣。壺身的造型頗具幾何感,整體上揚的趨勢活潑積極。壺蓄滿後,一次可供四次斟飲。恰到好處的容積,可使茶湯保持適宜的溫度與濃淡。 |