Design Concept: This is the exclusive design for South Coast Plaza in Year of the Tiger. Design Concept English A bamboo forest in freehand relief, delight at every turn. The tiger navigates the bamboo forest, stripes meet reeds, for powerful visual rich with strength and compassion. Together, the bamboo and tiger recall the allure of Eastern heroism and legend. Flower and vase, bamboo and tiger, light and shadow, dream and reality - this sculpture captures the romanticism of duality and makes the perfect final touch when decorating the home. 寫意浮雕演繹竹林間;弧面竹枝,描繪光影,各個角度,充滿驚喜動感。虎形浮雕,手工雕塑,於竹林中穿越。魅力虎紋交織竹葉線條,力量與堅韌,強大且仁愛。竹林與老虎的神韻,演繹東方俠義精神;以琉璃材質,在光影變化中,強調幻動的光效。花與瓶、竹與虎、光與影,夢幻與現實的浪漫,成為家居環境裡的點睛之筆。 |