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South Coast Plaza - Year of the Rabbit

South Coast Plaza - Year of the Rabbit

  • Material: Crystal Glass
  • Technique: Pate de Verre
  • Size: Diameter: 2.95” Height: 3.5”
  • Limited Edition: 1500 Pieces
  • Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.

Sku:  CVM083.A22AM

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Design Concept:

This is the exclusive design for South Coast Plaza in Year of the Rabbit.

Two pairs of rabbits wrap around a glass, showcasing the exquisite handmade craftsmanship of LIULI artisans from 360°. 2023 marks the Year of the Water Rabbit. A year of incoming fortune, these rabbits boast a realistic face and artistic body. Waves curl up the rabbit’s lower half to symbolize vitality, strength and an unrelenting wave of fortune, wealth and energy. Featuring rabbits in high and low relief sculpture, each glass is hand molded and refined to eliminate all sharp edges and retain its handmade quality. This glass in relief is both functional and decorative.

兩兩成雙,四隻兔子彼此相連,環繞成平底杯周身的圖紋,360°展示琉璃鐫刻充滿手工美感的圖騰演繹。 2023年為水兔年,水帶來財富。兔的造型既有寫實的五官與長耳,也有藝術化處理的軀幹與腿部。下肢與水浪的大膽結合,令兔子仿佛伴隨水浪而生,尊貴且神秘。翻湧向上的水浪,精力旺盛的兔子,代表著生生不息的財富運勢,通達四方。杯身採用高低立體浮雕,每一隻平底杯的雕飾表面均由手工打磨處理,保持手持時的握感舒適無棱角。全方位的華美浮雕,令作品兼具實用及觀賞性。

Water Rabbit of Fortune

Two pairs of rabbits,
Four times the luck.
Prosperity rises with the tide,
Ascending fortune,