Design Concept: The majestic creature known as the Xuanwu reigns from the north, its colors black like the depths of the ocean. Its dual attributes of water and earth blend together like the interwoven essence of the turtle and snake - symbols representing longevity and agility, respectively. Together, they embody harmony and unity, just like the power of water. The Xuanwu's intricate sculpture design shows a detailed interaction between the turtle and snake, both possessing enormous power yet living cohesively. The five mythical beasts, including the Xuanwu, stand upon a sphere adorned with celestial stars that signify direction and guidance, as well as the ordered flow of seasons and natural rhythms. These ancient teachings and symbols have been passed down to provide comfort and assurance, as well as to inspire mindful connection with nature and a prosperous future. 設計概念說明: 玄武出北方,北方的顏色為黑(玄色),屬性是水, 玄武 ,是龜和蛇的結合,龜象徵長壽,蛇寓意靈巧,兩者相互交融,可視為和諧,如同水,上善若水,善利萬物,真誠、良善、無私。玄武的造型精彩,龜、蛇互動的情景感尤為重要。作品中神龜雕塑精細在海浪中騰起,向後轉頭,與背後的靈蛇相對。兩者各自擁有龐大力量感,卻又相處融洽,體現和諧。此系列作品,五靈獸均徜徉於一塑有星宿的球體上,球體,象徵天地宇宙,是生命、是希望,提醒自我對宇宙自然的關照,明白四時有序、耕耘收藏,和諧共處的智慧。球體上塑有星宿,說明方位,指引方向,引領我們清楚,下一步,怎麼走,並因為知道了位置,步步是妙草吉花,處處是好人間、好前程、好時勢、好風水、好力量。五相,東青龍、西白虎、南朱雀、北玄武、中麒麟,安定人心,信心的鎮守與護佑。古老的東方智慧,指引人們前往美好和諧的未來。 |