Design Concept With radiating hues of rich ambers and yellows, this Chinese glasswork design expresses a jubilant and warm energy. Adorned with LIULI’s signature Chinese paper-cutting floral and sun designs, Sunlit from Within shimmers delicately and retains the cultural motifs of the rooster while remaining lighthearted and joyous. The piece makes a perfect gift for baby showers, children, birthdays, or simply because it brings happiness. 問我眼睛為什麼那麼大,那麼圓?因為我的眼裡有滿滿的陽光和希望。 問我為什麼笑得那麼開心?因為,每天早上,我叫醒太陽公公,人們誇我好勤勞,給我掛滿了『太陽勳章』你說我開不開心? 小公雞神態歡樂,得意洋洋,充滿可愛與童趣。身上的花紋為太陽的圖騰,由中國傳統剪紙演變而來。 |