Design Description: A powerful tiger design conveys the idea of perseverance and benevolent power untarnished by fierceness. The celestial orb on which it is sculpted represents the heavens, with etchings of ancient star maps. The sphere is adorned with constellations, guiding us towards a harmonious existence and reminding us to respect and care for the natural world. The Five Mythical Creatures- Azure Dragon of the East, the White Tiger of the West, the Vermilion Bird of the South, the Black Tortoise of the North, and the Qilin of the Center, which stabilizes people's hearts and provides confidence, protection, and guidance to a better and harmonious future, as guided by ancient Eastern wisdom. 虎出西方,西方顏色為白,屬性是金, 金,含有堅毅、堅定、剛烈、穩固、閃耀的寓意。靈獸均徜徉於一塑有星宿的球體上,球體,象徵天地宇宙,是生命、是希望,提醒自我對宇宙自然的關照,明白四時有序、耕耘收藏,和諧共處的智慧。創作表達“威而不怒,猛而不兇”,神獸的力量之美和守護精神一覽無遺。 |