Design Concept: In this artwork, two quails stand on a branch, one tilting slightly to the right with the other at a higher position, their gazes aligned. Quail symbolizes peace and wellness in Eastern culture. The orange symbolizes good luck with six of them circling the quails' feet, conveying people's aspirations at joyous occasions. The piece depicts a mother's love and sacrifice, with the oranges representing a rich and fulfilling life, portrayed through realistic art. The base of the artwork displays a natural and plump orange petal, crafted with attention to detail, with a unique and beautiful ripple-like pattern. The overall design of the piece is uplifting, resembling a treasure ship carrying two hearts filled with blessings, sailing smoothly through the river of time. 鵪鶉諧音「安順」,兩隻鵪鶉立在枝頭,一隻重心微微向右傾,另一隻站在枝頭更高處,視線一致。「橘」諧音「吉」,在佳慶時刻,橘子共同傳達著人們心中的願景,大吉大利。此作品展現的母親的愛與奉獻。作品中部,六顆橘子團團環繞在鵪鶉足下,通過自然的寫實傳達出美好歲月中的充實富足,用活力滿滿的橙色代表母親滿滿的愛。底座部分,則運用誇張手法呈現一顆自然飽滿的橘瓣,高拋光工藝,紋絡清晰,琉璃獨有的流紋如波紋飄蕩;整體設計上,作品向上昂揚,形似一艘元寶衝鋒艇,承載著兩顆心,及滿滿的祝福,在靜好的時光長河裡從容前行。 |