Design Concept: In this righteous and dignified ding piece from the "Nine Ding of Profound Virtue" collection, clear visions of glory and integrity emanate from within the many colors and lights of the piece. Opulent Shang and Chou dynasty motifs come together to pay homage to heaven and earth in a bow of respect to the essence of harmony. 設計概念說明: 在 "厚德九鼎 "系列中这一正直和庄重的鼎中,荣耀和正直的清晰愿景从作品的多种颜色和光线中散发出来。富丽堂皇的商代和周代图案汇聚在一起,向天和地致敬,向和谐的本质鞠躬致敬。 |