Design Concept: Each revolution of this prayer wheel marks an ending and a beginning, gently bringing about unity of body and mind. The simple yet modern frame in a traditional design features an auspicious floral pattern. Engraved on the wheel is the Great Compassion Dharani, a popular incantation in Mahayana Buddhism, associated with the bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokitesvara in Sanskrit) and her vow to end the suffering of all sentient beings. Turning the prayer wheel invokes Guanyin’s compassion, promotes the cultivation of wholesome qualities, and generates auspicious energy and blessings. 設計概念說明: 圓形的轉經輪,是起點,也是終點,一遍遍周而覆始,漸漸完成身、心的統一。簡潔現代的外框設計,以古代吉祥花的花紋作圖騰,經文是《大悲咒》,是觀世音菩薩修道成佛時,重要的咒語,經文中充滿一切善法,充滿菩蕯誓願救度一切眾生的大慈悲願力。讓法輪常轉,提醒眾生常懷慈悲心,念念修善法,自會吉祥如意。 * Customized engraving on the LIULI Prayer Wheel with your own wording. Contact us at 909-274-8987 for more information. |