Design Concept: Bursting forth from the multifaceted textures of rugged terrain is a powder-crystal peony. Its soft yellow glow hides the nature of its remarkable resilience. Traditionally known to be delicate and demure, the peony surprises here with an air of sheer determination. In lieu of nature’s astounding resilience, this crystal glass sculpture captures a persistent peony weaving its tendrils into a mountain cliff. The artwork reflects the persistence necessary in daily life to blossom as beautifully as the softly glowing peony flower. 嶙峋陡峭處,生命的意志,在險峻之處回轉,一個繁花似錦的春天,綻放。花朵的大與小,澄澈的色彩與絢麗的花朵,牡丹枝蔓的纏繞與岩石的剛硬,拋光的平滑與岩石般的肌理之間,形成重重對照,延展了觀賞的情趣,是作品在雕塑和設計上的亮點。在傳統的觀念裡,牡丹富貴而嬌美,然而,就在山岩上,不畏懼的迸發,完成一次完美逆襲。牡丹的清貴傲骨和錚錚意志顯露無疑,讓作品從傳統意義上的自然頌歌,昇華為對偉大意志的讚頌。自然中的牡丹,嬌豔欲滴,作品也經過反復試燒,讓作品呈現飽滿濃郁之色。 |