Design Description: Guan Yin showers compassion to protect the beauty of the world. Through serene practice, she alleviates the suffering of humanity, ensuring stability and fulfillment of noble aspirations. Guan Yin, the embodiment of compassion, resonates with the many hardships of human existence. Her kindness and generosity bring solace to all, dispelling fear. This design embodies the essence of Water Moon Guan Yin, where "Water Moon" symbolizes the boundless nature of Buddhist teachings, devoid of concrete form. Water Moon Guan Yin often manifests with a relaxed, carefree demeanor, offering tranquility and healing to those in need. While not originally found in early Buddhist scriptures, Water Moon Guan Yin emerged as a harmonious fusion of Buddhist ideals with local Chinese culture, occupying a significant and distinctive place within Chinese culture. 觀音聞聲救苦,護佑世間美好。修持靜度,救人間諸苦;護諾安定,圓人間善願。觀音慈悲法相,契應人間諸多苦難,慈悲,佈施,眾生心安,無所畏怖。此設計為水月觀音。「水月」意為「水中之月」,在佛經中寓意佛法無邊皆無實體。水月觀音常以放鬆的「自在相」示現,隨意、放鬆,於人安定,療愈之情。水月觀音在早期佛教經典中並沒有出處,是佛教傳到中國後,與本土文化融合而產生的。在華人文化裡具有重要且獨特的地位。 |