Design Concept: This art piece captures the fleeting moment of transition between winter and spring. A deluge of peach blossoms cascades across the focal point of the artwork, protected on either side by the purity of snow-like liuli crystal. The piece pays homage to both the awakening of a fragrant spring and the quietude of winter sleep. The lifelike details of the peach blossoms, depicted in high and low relief, perfectly express the season's spirit of dance, bursting forth from the cold in a single unforgettable moment. This exquisite sculpture is a reminder that life is a cycle of change and renewal, and that even in the depths of winter, there is the promise of spring. 設計概念說明: 這幅藝術作品捕捉到了冬季和春季之間轉瞬即逝的過渡時刻。一片桃花層層疊疊地落在藝術品的焦點上,兩邊是純潔如雪的琉璃水晶的保護。這幅作品既向芬芳的春天的甦醒致敬,也向冬眠的寧靜致敬。桃花栩栩如生的細節,以高低浮雕的方式描繪,完美地表達了這個季節的舞蹈精神,在一個令人難忘的時刻從寒冷中迸發出來。這座精美的雕塑提醒人們,生命是一個變化和更新的周期,即使在深冬,也有春天的承諾。 |