Design Concept: Introducing the latest masterpiece from Loretta H. Yang - "Orchid in the Ravine". Crafted with the expertise of glass artists Loretta H. Yang and Colin Reid, this artist edition is truly one-of-a-kind. The butterfly orchids symbolize happiness, and the design perfectly captures their resilience and beauty. The delicately carved glass wall showcases these flowers in all their glory, exuding strength and courage. This exquisite artwork seamlessly blends traditional oriental artistry with a modern twist, providing a stunning visual experience. Admire the intricate details and skillful sculpting, bringing the crystal-clear rock surface to life with vibrant blooms. This creation is more than just art, it's a beautiful dream realized, representing vitality and joy. 設計概念說明: 這件作品是東西方琉璃藝術大師,楊惠姍與Colin Reid 合作完成的《楊惠姍的蘭花》作品的典藏版。《岩谷清蘭》是楊惠姍創作的東方部分,按比列複刻呈現的。原型為蝴蝶蘭,花語是幸福的來臨。設計概念是岩石鑿面一般的琉璃壁上堅韌生長著蝴蝶蘭,象徵著堅定與勇氣。作為《楊惠姍的蘭花》典藏版,完整再現了楊惠姍的東方藝術創作部分。細膩的雕琢,純熟的手工雕塑,演繹晶瑩通透的岩石鑿壁上,生長出一朵一朵堅韌、獨立的蝴蝶蘭。如夢似幻,靜謐裡展示蓬勃生命力。從《秘境花園》裡摘下這朵蝴蝶蘭贈予你,面對困難時不懼怕,堅定與勇氣終將逆襲開花! |