Design Concept: A symbol of wealth and fortune, the Pi Xiu is not only a financial creature, but also a kind-hearted one. With a majestic posture and fierce eyes, it stands proudly on a high platform resembling an ancient observatory, leading us to the direction of prosperity. The platform, shaped like an ancient hat, is known as the "Crown of the East." Meanwhile, the base of the artwork is engraved with coins, portraying stability and endless wealth from all directions. The Pi Xiu is a charm that can be displayed in homes, offices or commercial spaces, enhancing the noble atmosphere of any environment. It is a perfect housewarming, business opening or move-in gift, representing good fortune and auspiciousness. 貔貅造型,抬首遙望,四足蹬地成拉弓之勢,威武天成有如神助,莊嚴又穩健。目光如炬,方海闊口招納八方財寶,串串銅錢由脖頸處延到腹部,象徵財源滾滾。貔貅站立的高臺,如同古時祭天望北斗的占星台,帶領我們找到前進的方向。梯形的高臺,外形如同古帽,被譽為「東方之冠」作品底座四面陽刻環繞銅錢樹,寓意四方八方安定,財源生生不息。貔貅是招財神獸,可擺放在家宅、商鋪、辦公場所的財位,具有觀賞性,又可彰顯環境的雍容華貴。適合開業、喬遷、鎮宅等贈禮。 |