Design Concept: This crystal glass art figure, titled “Serpentine,” is an artwork of the snake zodiac in Chinese astrology. Far from the cunning and demonic animal it is portrayed to be, the snake irresistibly charming and popular in many social contexts. It quickly adapts, making firm and fast decisions while always determined to follow through in anything they undertake. This glass art piece of the zodiac in particular shows the cute nature of the snake, adorned with traditional Chinese paper-cutting artwork patterns. Each art piece is uniquely handcrafted, varying most with color and playing with light on any tabletop. Well suited for birthday occasions or simply celebrating someone’s birth year, the message the zodiac artwork sends is as sincere and as transparent as the glasswork itself. 小蛇,吐著舌頭,扮著鬼臉,一副天然呆的樣子。其實,它只是伺機而動,等待一招制勝的時間。彎彎可是運動健將,身手矯健,擁有S型的好身材,適合贈送給嬌媚的女生。彎彎的身上綴滿寶相花,寓意富貴隨身。 |