Design Concept: This art piece achieves a delicate balance between traditional shape, archaic design patterns, and modern color blends. The dragon patterns on the piece hark back to China's bronze age (Zhou dynasty), showcasing some of the earliest decorative casting methods in Eastern culture. It means "Hundreds of rivers flow into one, 設計理念: 這件藝術作品在傳統的形狀、古老的設計圖案和現代的色彩混合之間實現了微妙的平衡。作品上的龍紋可以追溯到中國的青銅時代(周朝),展示了東方文化中一些最早的裝飾性鑄造方法。在向這一悠久的遺產致敬的同時,該藝術品也保持了中國金錠(金元寶)的幸運形狀。在中性色彩的背景下,龍紋上鮮豔的色彩創造了一種舒緩而醒目的對比,適度地吸引了觀賞者的注意力。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |