The Collection: The Majestic Age of Ruyi |
Design Concept: Joyful life and good fortune overflow from the "Ruyi Charged with Joy," lovingly rendered in realistic detail, and designed to promote feng shui good luck. One's eye is immediately drawn to the oversized persimmons and the detailed pâte de verre work evoking natural wood. A pair of magpies rounds out this 3-inlay Ruyi, bringing it to life. In Chinese culture, magpies are believed to bring good fortune, as the word "magpie" in Mandarin (xique) sounds similar to the word "overjoyed" (xiyue). Similarly, as the phrase "10 persimmons" (shishi) sounds like the phrase "all matter" (shishi). The crystal bird figurines thus combine with the persimmons to convey powerful imagery of good luck, in which joy permeates all things. Such a desire is particularly ideal for newlyweds. 設計概念說明: 歡樂的生活和好運從喜躍如意中溢出,它以逼真的細節精心渲染,旨在促進風水的好運。人們的視線立刻被超大的柿子和細緻的圓珠筆工藝所吸引,讓人聯想到天然木材。一對喜鵲使這個三層的如意畫更加完美,使它充滿了活力。在中國文化中,喜鵲被認為能帶來好運,因為普通話中的 "喜鵲 "一詞與 "喜悅"一詞發音相似。同樣,正如 "10個柿子"這個短語聽起來像 "實事"這個短語。因此,水晶鳥雕像與柿子結合在一起,傳達了強大的吉祥意象,其中快樂滲透到所有的事物中。這樣的願望對新婚夫婦來說尤其理想。 |
Ruyi Charged with Joy Lofty branches, lush leaves, |
喜躍如意 高枝葉繁 |