Design Description: The circular polished center is the focal point of the design. It is like the surface of a clear pool, and also like a magnifying glass that shows two fish’s movement. It seems two fish are swimming together leisurely, and enjoying their respective joy at the same time. From the front view, it’s when you dive into the water and watch fish swim and see everything clearly from the sea floor- the Taihu rock stands up tall, fish swims in between; on the other hand, the polished surface recreates an experience of viewing from atop of the water. These two perspectives were combined into one design, making the artwork more interesting to view. In a nutshell, when appreciating things from different perspectives, we may be able to release ourselves from boundaries or physical limits, and reach an intellectual freedom. 設計概念說明: 作品中心的圓面拋光,如清透明淨的池面,圓中兩條魚兒,一條入水,一條出水,能夠一起同方向前進,也能享受各自的自在與逍遙。作品結合兩種觀賞角度,一為如同潛入水中,從側面觀賞水底世界,太湖石的矗立以及魚悠遊,呈現水中之樂,一為如同水面上方觀賞,透過大面積拋光,如同放大鏡般地,將水中的紋理與太湖石內部的歲月痕跡,特別清晰展現。 作品設計結合兩種觀看角度,想傳達的是突破物理界線的視角,練習從不同角度看事情,從單一的視角解放出來,放開成見,不需拘束,以獲得真正的自在與心靈自由。 |