Design Description: This tiger sculpture is the embodiment of unwavering perseverance and a mighty yet benevolent heart. Created in its purest form, its translucent design appears to be lit from within, highlighting every inch of its muscular form. The sculpture depicts a divine animal crossing into the human world as a righteous bearer of blessings. Heroic, righteous, and just, the Path of the Illuminated King is represented through this mighty and benevolent design. 設計概念說明: “心有猛虎,細嗅薔薇”。人性有兩面,而兩兩相對的人性本質又是調和的。 通透明淨的琉璃虎將這句話的兩面性完美詮釋,作品中的猛虎步履剛健, 目光如炬,堅定的望著前方。但虎通體如琥珀明亮,心無雜物。也將佛語“ 內外明徹,淨無瑕穢”體現得淋漓盡致。琉璃工房工藝師用極為細膩的寫實技法雕刻了一隻邁步前方的虎王, 以琉璃之心向著光明前進,是至善前行。 這座雕塑是送給年輕企業家的理想禮物,祝愿他們在自己的道路上取得優勢和成功。它也是送給那些無畏地為他人鋪路的導師的完美禮物。此外,新房主可以欣賞這個像徵著力量、毅力和仁慈等美德的有品位的補充。 |