Design Description: The little Peak ox exudes fearlessness and strength, boldly pushing its horns upwards to announce its bravery. With its moxie and courage, it embodies the spirit of achievement and serves as an inspiring reminder to face challenges head-on. This makes it a perfect gift to fill the year of 2021 with strength and encouragement. 設計概念說明: 這頭小峰牛散發著無畏和力量,大膽地將它的角向上推,宣布它的勇敢。它的膽量和勇氣,體現了成就的精神,並作為一個鼓舞人心的提醒,讓人們直面挑戰。這使它成為一個完美的禮物,使2021年充滿力量和鼓勵。 |