Design Concept: The perfect combination of flowers, birds, and Taihu stone creates a pinnacle of harmonious beauty. Depending on the angle, the water-weathered stone reveals either a tranquil interior or a scintillating display, with its facade protecting it from the elements. From up close, we can see the vibrant essence of life, and from afar, we see a harmonious blend of heaven and earth. Each of these elements has its own moment to shine. The Taihu stone's beauty is derived from the constant battering of waves throughout its lifetime. The red flowers are reborn each season, symbolizing the cycle of life, and the bird passes life through the generations, representing the enduring nature of existence. 設計概念說明: 花、鳥、石三者,有各自的時間維度,從三者的和諧存在,能夠體悟生命的美好與稍縱即逝,與珍惜當下。鳥兒則傳遞生命,萬物生生不息,紅花是四季的重生,太湖石經過了漫長歲月波浪的衝,內部沉靜透徹。作品從前面欣賞是大浪淘沙過後堅強的本心,從後看是對待生活如花似火的積極態度。從不同距離看,近看是生活,遠看為天地。 作品中的鳥是鹡鸰(jí líng),以宋徽宗趙佶的花鳥名作《紅蓼水禽圖》為原型,花、鳥、太湖石在這一刻的定格,是自然和諧統一的大美。作品設計運用書法與國畫中的留白,運用幾何菱形與大面積拋光的簡潔,對比太湖石的有機與立體視覺,是一件可以全角度欣賞,各面都有獨立美感的生動創作。 |