Design Description:From atop the clouds, the legendary flying horse pegasus represents not only the king of all horses but one who traverses heaven and earth. in flight, at ease with head raised and wings unfurled. The design highlight. In flight, the horse’s strength through its muscular build and its majestic sculptural wings. The muscles all around the body and wings are extremely sculptural in such details that it’s appealing from all angles. The color choice of gold and amber symbolizes the Sun. It enhances the pegasus’s divinity. This artwork is a show-stopper. With a limited edition of 320 pieces worldwide, this is an exquisite and valuable piece for art collectors. 騰雲而上的飛馬,在傳說中被人們稱為“天馬”,不僅代表著駿馬中的王者,更象徵著從大地到天空的突破。姿態舒展自在,昂首展翼的氣度,是作品塑造的關鍵,肌肉反映的力度,羽翼迎風的翕張,在雕塑上精彩展現。作品選擇淺琥的琉璃為主,讓天馬在琉璃的質感下,顯現出金色陽光的色彩,不僅賦予了場景的直觀感受,更讓主角天馬有了超然的氣質。 |