Design Concept Shuzhu Guanyin (Counting Beads Guanyin). Wearing a gossamer dress and a crown of flowers, Guanyin holds a strand of counting beads in the left hand and holds the gown in the other. Auspicious clouds underfoot allude to Guanyin alighting from the heavens, hallowed and illuminated.Guanyin exhibits a full body, arms like lotus root and lustrous skin. Gunayin’s countenance is delicate and reserved with heavy-lidded eyes and a compassionate gaze. Guanyin’s unassuming robe flows freely. Guanyin’s upper half leans forward, a welcoming and joyous pose. It highlights Guanyin’s heart of great love and benevolence that looks after each and every life. An auspicious cloud motif covers the base in haphazard layers. Minimally polished, it reflects the sky and clouds from above. 設計概念 如願為“數珠觀音”,身披薄紗,頭戴花冠,左手執一念珠,右手捋衣,足下為祥雲,如同踏著雲彩從天而降,神聖光明。觀音身形圓潤飽滿,手臂如藕,膚若凝脂。臉部神態細膩含蓄,雙目半開,眼神中流露出慈祥。衣飾線條簡練,飄逸灑脫,隨勢而動。觀音上半身略有前傾,這樣的造型是此系列觀音的特點,親切、歡喜。突顯觀音菩薩的大愛與慈悲之心,關照著每一個眾生。底座以捲曲的祥雲為紋樣,層疊錯落,正面以小面積拋光,營造天光雲影共徘徊的意境。 |