Design Concept: The undisputed "king of the skies", the eagle manifests strength and power. With sharp eyes trained on the future, the eagle symbolizes confidence and courage. When creating this design, we created intricately detailed wings outstretched like victory banners. The light of liuli shines from its wings, enhancing the eagle's majestic qualities. From the base arises a liuli wave that rises to support and highlight the eagle's pioneering and tenacious spirit. The higher the wave, the higher the flight. 一隻極具開拓精神的雄鷹,正在以自己無限的奮鬥,去迎風破浪,征服大海。鷹是速度和力量的化身,是絕對的“天空霸主”。雕刻師將鷹羽毛的特點進行精緻細膩的雕刻,展開的雙翼就像征服一切的旗幟。鷹眼是世界最無可比擬的銳利,它代表著開拓未來的自信與勇敢。琉璃的光,從羽毛間折射出來,更體現了雄鷹的尊貴與榮耀。波浪中自然凝成的流紋,讓海水更具動感,似乎能聽見波濤的聲音。這件作品中,海浪承托著雄鷹,展現著這位天空霸主敢於開拓、挑戰的精神。在勇者面前,海浪愈高,則飛翔的更高。鷹的形象與寓意極富張力,適合送給傑出領袖、商務夥伴、長輩等,人們常以雄鷹展翅代表大展宏圖,鵬程萬里,來祝賀人在事業、學業的進步。 |