Design Concept: Old August lilies, commonly referred to as "August Lily Hostas," bring an and lingering fragrance in the midst of summer. In this glass art rendition of the flower, LIULI artists bring out the sunny nature of the hosta, sculpting it to lean comfortably with the wind, almost bringing the scent into the house through its vivid beauty. "Old August Lily" is part of a collection of twelve flower glassworks, each representing a respective month of the year. 設計概念說明: 舊八月的百合,通常被稱為 "八月百合玉簪",在盛夏時節帶來了芬芳。在這個琉璃藝術演繹的花中,藝術家將玉簪的陽光性發揮得淋漓盡致,將它雕刻得舒適地靠在風中,通過其生動的美感,幾乎將香味帶入屋內。 "玉簪七月 "是12件花卉玻璃作品系列的一部分,每件都代表一年中的一個月份。 |