Design Concept: The parrot tulip, sometimes known as “foreign lotus,” is originated from Europe and Central Asia. Crafted into a tall, upright treasure vase with the vivid contrast of glimmering gold leaf, the tulip’s true beauty is revealed here. A closer look reveals a bevy of goldfish gathered over the mouth of the bao ping (or treasure vase) their tails blossoming grandly into the many rich colors of the parrot tulip. After months of trial and error, LIULI artists are capable of casting such design, achieving excellent balance, in tandem with special mouth-blowing techniques. Symbolizing royalty, transcendence and wealth, “in Praise of the Tulip” is a one-of-a-kind art piece with roots in traditionalism and a contemporary design. 設計概念說明: 鸚鵡鬱金香,本身仿佛是一件生動藝術品,代表熱情、幸福、永恒。概念上,琉璃工房希望作品聚集鬱金香的高雅氣質,充滿愛。四條魚,從東、南、西、北而來,聚集在一起,有四方聚財的意涵,加上花的概念,是把四面八方的美好,聚攏、結合。就技術來講,魚在瓶蓋的最底部,條條分明,造型獨立,雕塑上和翻模技術都很難表現,一不小心,還未翻到底部,上面的花瓣就會斷裂。瓶身滿金箔,隱約間,透著瓶身本身的純色,這樣的創作手法,張顯作品的高貴感。 |