The Collection:Mortal Smile -A More Motherly Guanyin Design Concept:Vase Guanyin, a version of Willow-branch Guanyin, one of the thirty-three manifestations of the bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokitesvara), depicted holding a vase and standing on an auspicious cloud. Produced in accordance with Loretta H. Yang’s precise specifications, this image is noted for its detailed countenance, graceful bearing, and gently flowing robe. As frequently found in the Buddhist scriptures, the stately and august Vase Guanyin is conveyed on a cloud throughout the world, relieving the suffering of all who call upon her, sprinkling out the water of immortality from her vase, so as to purify the hearts and minds all sentient beings. 設計概念說明: 淨瓶觀音,是菩薩手持淨瓶,腳踩祥雲,關照一切眾生,觀音菩薩三十三法相之一。在楊惠姍用心的刻畫下,觀音的表情更為細緻,姿態更為飄逸,站在祥雲上,批紗隨風揚起,極富動態之美。此作品是以菩薩手持浄瓶,莊嚴站姿,來代表佛經中比較常描繪的景象:觀音菩薩騰雲駕霧,雲遊四海,聞聲救苦,並常將淨瓶中的甘露水普灑人間,希望能浄化眾生的心靈。 * This crystal glass Bodhisattva holds a bottle of dew. |