Design Description: Lotus-in-hand Guanyin, one of the thirty-three manifestations of the bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokitesvara), stands on a lotus petal providing shelter from wind and rain, signifying her beneficent presence throughout the world. The abstract lotus appears to be emerging from underwater to provide a blessing and protection. Engraved on the lotus is an excerpt from the “Universal Gate” chapter of the Lotus Sutra. In addition to the compassion of the bodhisattva and the beauty of the lotus, this piece also conveys the meditative experience referred to in the expression. The underlying motivation of the bodhisattva is to use the Buddha-dharma to benefit all sentient beings, and to nurture the lotus seed of enlightenment in every heart. For, although we may not be able to make lotus bloom everywhere, we can learn to open the lotus in our own heart, so as to create a harmonious world for ourselves and for all beings. 設計概念說明: 持蓮觀音,菩薩手持蓮花,站在一片蓮花瓣上,就像是站在蓮花花瓣上遮風避雨,蓮花處處開,照顧人間,是美好意象。持蓮觀音也是觀音菩薩三十三法相之一。作品取蓮花局部,抽象與陰刻的處理,讓蓮花像是在水底生出,又像是在身邊護持。花瓣面上刻著《觀世音菩薩普門品》經文的部分文字,除了表現菩薩的慈悲之像,蓮花的美好寓意,也同時將佛法中禪學境界「一花一世界,一葉一菩提」表現出來。菩薩心繫眾生、護持眾生,希望通過佛法能幫助到眾生,為眾生擋風避雨,每個人心中都能開出朵朵蓮花。就像藝術家楊惠姍想表達的:我們沒有辦法讓蓮花處處開,但卻能夠透過修持,讓自己的心,開一朵蓮花,為自己、然後為眾生,造一個圓融好世界。 |