Design Concept Every fish has its own unique expressions - smiling, jumping, and taking in the fresh, serene air. The colors of blue, green, and gold are a true representation of spring - energetic and lively. Watching the waves crash as each fish leaps brings the scene to life. In the pond, two goldfish swim among the seaweed, blowing bubbles and joyfully splashing around, enjoying the beauty of spring. Their playful expressions and movements were expertly crafted by artist Loretta H. Yang, who mimicked their joyful behavior while creating the piece. The blue and green colors convey a sense of freshness and tranquility, while the fish's large tails blend seamlessly with the water. The design is full of creativity and vitality, with intricate lines and playful cut-outs adding to its charming overall design. The two fish symbolize the bond of marriage and make for a wonderful gift for newlyweds or as a decoration in any home, wishing one and all a life full of love and happiness. 每一條魚,都有豐富的表情。微笑,跳躍,大口呼吸鮮活的空氣,藍綠與金紅的色彩,是屬於春天的氣息,澎湃的浪潮,讓每一個奮力躍起的瞬間,盎然生動。池塘中一對金魚在水草間悠悠嬉水,吐著泡泡,愜意暢游,享受著春日美好時光。兩條金魚搖曳著尾巴,伴著浪花對舞,鼓起的兩腮,好像在歡歌。怡然自得,無憂無慮。仔細看,兩條魚的表情俏皮、可愛。如此傳神的表情,是藝術家「言傳身教」而來。創作此款作品時,楊惠姍模擬魚的表情,把眼睛 瞪得大大的,還鼓起兩腮,興奮地比劃,一點也不顧及藝術家的形象。源源活水,生機無限。藍綠色系充滿春意,清新宜人。碩大的尾巴與池水巧妙結合,有機的線條,靈動的鏤空,充滿生氣的設計。雙魚,象徵夫妻恩愛,贈予新婚燕爾或擺放家中,祝福生活和美幸福。 |