Glass Art Sculpture of Uplifting Elephant "Forever Toward the Sky," the elephant in this artwork raises its trunk in a symbol of hope and positivity, looking upward in anticipation of what the future holds. Its simple posture serves as a reminder of all the good in life. Elephants have been the subject of many superstitions, and it is believed by some that an elephant statue with its trunk raised upward brings luck, prosperity, and happiness. Regardless of the superstition, this stunning art piece is a beautiful representation of the power of optimism and the importance of looking toward the future with hope. 概念設計說明: "永遠向天",這幅作品中的大象舉起了它的軀幹,象徵著希望和積極,向上看,期待著未來的發展。它簡單的姿勢提醒人們生活中所有的美好。大像一直是許多迷信的主題,有些人認為大象雕像的軀幹向上翹起會帶來幸運、繁榮和幸福。不管是哪種迷信,這件令人驚嘆的藝術作品是樂觀主義力量的美麗代表,也是帶著希望展望未來的重要性。 |