Design Description: The design of the flying dragon, paired with the gourd-shaped background and using a monochromatic color scheme, is a completely innovative design expression in the Liuli workshop. The phrase "divine dragon brings blessings and fortune" is a metaphor for the beautiful world of "blessings and fortune," representing the bright prospects of the dragon's ambition. 設計概念說明: 飛龍的造型,搭配葫蘆形狀的背景,運用單一色彩,在琉璃工房這完全是展新的設計表現。曲頸昂首,騰躍於空中的飛龍,生動形象、栩栩如生,藝術家在作品中,再次完美展現了「龍」在中國文化中威嚴莊重的形象。「葫蘆」常被人們視為可以趨吉避凶、延壽消災的吉祥物,本件作品以正氣凜然的龍,浮雕騰飛於祥雲之上,大世界的背景運用葫蘆造型設計,「神龍送褔祿」借喻“福祿”的美好世界代表,是雲龍志向的美好展望。特別採用單一色系的紫色,展現「紫氣東來」優雅氣勢與吉祥寓意。 |