The Collection: Implement Auspiciousness, The Rest Will Follow Related Collection: The Power of Golden Vitality Design Concept: The inspiration for this artwork is drawn from the ancient scriptures of the Samantabhadra Meditation Sutra, a text that dates back thousands of years and imparts teachings on peaceful meditation and repentance. With a contemporary approach to the traditional art of myth, LIULI craftsmen elevate the medium of crystal glass to a level of intricacy and beauty reminiscent of the baroque style. In "An Auspicious and Pure Existence," this art piece incorporates symbolism deeply rooted in classical culture to convey messages of clarity and the pursuit of a pure existence. It encapsulates the essence of classic wisdom and invites contemplation on the path towards spiritual enlightenment. 設計概念說明: 這件藝術品的靈感來自於古老的《觀普賢菩薩行法經》經文,這部經文可以追溯到幾千年前,傳授了關於和平冥想和懺悔的教義。通過對傳統神話藝術的現代處理,LIULI的工匠們將水晶琉璃這一媒介提升到一個複雜和美麗的水平,讓人想起巴洛克風格。在 "吉祥清淨人間"中,這件藝術作品結合了深深紮根於古典文化的象徵意義,傳達了清晰和追求純潔存在的信息。它囊括了古典智慧的精髓,吸引人們在通往精神啟蒙的道路上沉思。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly. |