Design Concept: This work is inspired by the images of the virtuous child and dragon girl who serve on either side of the Thousand-Armed, Thousand-Eyed Guanyin. Their adorable and cheerful demeanor is beloved by all, making them popular stars, symbolizing compassion and wisdom. The artist has used these two little bodhisattvas as prototypes in a modern and cute version. The head and body ratio derives from a baby, holding golden foil-made golden apples and persimmons. Baby Peace tilts his head slightly, like a traditional cute Chinese baby with peach-shaped double buns. Holding a golden apple not only symbolizes peace and wealth but also symbolizes spiritual abundance and completeness. The Baby Ruyi smiles like a flower, with the same double bun hairstyle, but because she is a little girl, she has a cute crescent-shaped bangs, which appears charming and lovely. Holding a golden persimmon symbolizes everything auspicious and prosperous. These positive emotions and energies can warm the heart, encourage progress, and bring peace and auspiciousness for the whole year. 設計概念說明: 此作品靈感來自於隨侍在千手千眼觀音兩旁的善才童子和龍女。他們乖巧喜氣的形象深受眾人喜愛,更成為觀音以外的小明星,象徵著慈悲與智慧。藝術家以這兩位小菩薩為原型,推出了平安娃娃與如意娃娃,以現代Q版風格重新詮釋。可愛的三頭身造型、手捧金箔打造的金蘋果與金柿子,讓人彷彿置身於萌萌的童話世界。平安娃娃微微仰頭,像是中國傳統寶寶般梳著桃形雙髻,手捧金蘋果象徵著平安與財富,亦寓意心靈上的豐盈。他聰慧靈巧,是一個擁有福氣與慈悲的快樂娃娃。如意娃娃笑容可掬,同樣的髮型設計,由於是小女孩,所以加入了嬌俏的半月形前劉海,手捧金柿子象徵著萬事如意、吉祥如意。她聰慧伶俐,是智慧的象徵,為人們帶來美好與祝福。這些積極的情緒與正能量,能夠溫暖人心,激勵向前,為整個一年帶來平安與吉祥。 |