Design Concept: The fiery phoenix of Chinese folklore represents rebirth, grace and illumination. The celestial orb on which it is sculpted represents the heavens, with etchings of ancient star maps. Its fiery red color reminds us of its mystical and regal presence, soaring through the night sky. The celestial sphere also guides us, allowing us to navigate our way forward with purpose and direction, surrounded by good energy and fortune. 設計概念說明: 朱雀出南方,南方的顏色為紅,屬性是火,朱雀即是鳳凰,自古以來有鳳凰重生的美麗傳說,如同火,代表希望、溫暖、光明,寓意處處是紅紅火火的錦繡新象。展翅翱翔星空,英姿舞動,南方朱雀的尾部是作品表達的重點,烈火般的塑形,加上特別的緋紅定色,將朱雀的神祕色彩具象化,其雕塑表現栩栩如生。靈獸均徜徉於一塑有星宿的球體上,球體,象徵天地宇宙,是生命、是希望, 提醒自我對宇宙自然的關照,明白四時有序、耕耘收藏,和諧共處的智慧。 |