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Crystal Sculpture, Bamboo, Ambition

Crystal Sculpture, Bamboo, Ambition

Regular price $473.00
Regular price Sale price $473.00 USD
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  • Material: Crystal Glass
  • Technique: Pate de Verre
  • Size: 4.06L x 3.27D x 5.20H inches
  • Limited Edition: 3,360 pieces (Worldwide)
  • Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.

Sku:  PAF023.ADAEC

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Design Concept

“Ambition” depicts a bamboo segment. The design creatively creates a landscape.
within the segment with separate views inside and outside. Not only is the design visually inventive, the two views overflow with the sentiment of “doing good for the human heart and soul”. The large outer notch of the bamboo and the lush inner landscape embodies a robust life force. The exquisite and unique design recalls a scene from a bamboo garden, similar to the effect of classic Chinese painting. New bamboo grows from the notch to represent confidence and assurance, abundant internal wisdom and open-mindedness. The bamboo is a formidable plant. It grows fast and endlessly upward, recalling the idea from feng shui that “ascending qi gives rise to earthly harmony”.


"氣貫雲霄"描繪了一個竹段。該設計在這段竹子裡創造了一個景觀,裡面和外面的景色是分開的。該設計不僅在視覺上具有創造性,而且這兩個景觀還洋溢著 "為人類的心靈和靈魂做好事 "的情感。竹子的外部大缺口和內部鬱鬱蔥蔥的景觀體現了一種強大的生命力。既不喧賓奪主,也不過分稀疏,精緻而獨特的設計讓人想起竹園裡的場景,類似於中國古典繪畫的效果。新的竹子從缺口處生長出來,代表著自信和保證,豐富的內在智慧和開放的心態。竹子是一種強大的植物,它快速生長,無止境地向上延伸,讓人想起風水學中 "升氣生財 "的觀點。


Embody a universal wisdom,
I am in control.
Far-reaching and high-spirited,
I am unstoppable.

