This artwork featured in 2016 SeaChange's event as to honored Seth MacFarlane. Note: The artwork which Seth MacFarlane was holding was customed made to suit the occasion. There is no base on the actual artwork. |
Design Concept: The distinctly Chinese ruyi motif is expressed here in the most natural of all settings—among timeless and swirling cloud patterns. Like the whimsical clouds that come and go—that float and flutter as they please—so shall those who walk with the ruyi blessing. Or perhaps it is more appropriate to say that those blessed with ruyi soar, as if lifted above the clouds with a chest full of confidence and a heart full of determination. This is the spirit of the Chinese ruyi symbol, that one may be inspired to achieve anything they wish, because the sky is the limit. 象徵明媚海洋的藍色琉璃,作品充滿現代感的如意造型為主題,雲彩舒卷,波浪揚起;呈現出海天一色,孕育生生不息的祥和之勢。如意,代表順心如意,如同說明文中提到,有了一個目標,勇往前行,如同海浪一般,順風順水。 |