Design Concept: A mother's love is often compared to the boundless acceptance embodied by Guanyin Buddha. The gentle glow of moonlight, representing compassion, blankets the earth and touches every child's heart, serving as a constant reminder of the selfless love and dedication that our mothers have bestowed upon us. An incense could Immerse the body and soul in a tranquil, restful and unclouded space, this is a great gift during Mother’s Day to find a serene moment for herself. In the “Heart Sutra”, Guanyin, referred to as Guanzizai, is a teaching, self-reflection and a salve for the body and soul. Some ancient philosophies, through the passage of time, see an evolution of core values and adapt to the times. To be free, loosen your grip, and release the self, desire and worry. Guanyin’s hair is fashioned in a high knot and draped in flowing fabric with a small Buddha on top. Guanyin sits with a placid expression, full cheeks and a baihao (白毫) marking their forehead. Eyelids slightly lowered, Guanyin sits upright with a slight smile, wearing an intricately sculpted draped robe. At ease, Guanyin is adorned with an yingluo(瓔珞) necklace across its chest. This gentle and compassionate feminine portal of Guanyin is in classic Han Buddhist imagery. Keep Guanyin at one’s side at all times to encourage clarity and compassion. Incense is the vessel supporting our meditative awareness. From stick to ash, the essence of incense remains within our hearts long after the smoke has dissipated, allowing us to retain the wisdom of mindfulness. Approach incense as a guide leading us to tranquility, offering the comfort and strength of Guanyin. 設計概念說明: 作品設計比喻母愛如同觀音的慈悲廣闊,白衣觀音乘著一輪滿月,是象徵母愛的智慧圓滿。今年母親節的限量款,由觀音搭配合香,透過這一縷小小輕煙,讓母親能夠享受寧靜美好時光,通達自在 觀音頭戴髪巾,高髮髻,頂上有小化佛。面相圓潤,雙頰飽滿,額間飾白毫。雙目微合,直鼻高挺,淺含微笑。著菩薩裝,衣飾紋理刻畫簡潔流暢,自然舒展,胸前佩戴華麗飾鏈瓔珞,具溫婉慈祥的女性形象,是漢傳佛教造像中經典的觀音形象。此白袍觀音身上披著白色衣,左右手作禪定印,跏趺坐於蓮臺上,吉祥坐,被衣裙覆蓋,白色意指純淨,象徵菩提心,表示觀音胸懷菩提之心。 |