Design Concept: This crystal tulip flower dazzles with a stunning moonlit reflection on its base, achieved through the masterful combination of a lost-wax-cast crystal piece and a blown crystal piece. Sculpted with meticulous precision, the tulip appears to perch effortlessly, its ethereal lightness a testament to unparalleled craftsmanship. Accentuated with gold foil, the piece radiates an additional layer of awe-inspiring artistry. Through the gentle symbolism of the tulip, we are reminded of the profound wisdom in kindness and care for others. 概念設計說明: 水晶琉璃鬱金香,脫蠟鑄造技法手工製成花朵,底座則由吹制而成,此兩種工藝組合,在琉璃作品少見且精緻。脫蠟鑄造的精准,讓鬱金香不僅有了生動的造型,也讓琉璃花有了精確的絢麗色彩,在琉璃透明材質下,成為了光的承容。吹制的底座,以無色琉璃加入金箔,呈現出幾近極致的工藝表現,留下了陽光輝耀。在鬱金香綻放的畫面中,常常伴隨著燦爛的陽光,而陽光所代表的永恆與愛,也成為了鬱金香的花語之一,鬱金香的花語:愛、慈善、名譽、美麗、祝福、永恆、愛的表白和永恆的祝福。以花觀己,以瓶觀世界,從作品鬱金香的慈善,看見待人的智慧。 |