The Collection: Flower Sculptures, A Peaceful Existence Design Concept: The crystal orchid artwork here represents purity of heart and humility. It is one of the “Four Gentlemen” in classic Chinese literature (four iconic plants:plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum for each of the four seasons). Representing all that is the youthful and joyous spring season, the orchid is unwaveringly elegant in its purity and simplicity. Fresh with the color palette of the blissful spring season, “Toward the Blue Sky” is reminiscent of fresh grass and the taste of dew in the early morning. View the self through flowers, view the world through a vase. Through the peaceful orchid, we are shown a humble confidence. 概念設計說明: 水晶琉璃蘭花,脫蠟鑄造技法手工製成。造型現代優雅,簡潔的稜線,簇擁的花形,色彩的明亮,而聚集環繞的蕙蘭,更有盛滿和美的祝願。成語蕙質蘭心,即指蕙的純潔和美與蘭的高雅冰清。柳永《離別難》詞:「有天然,蕙質蘭心。美韶容,何啻值千金」。盛滿的蕙蘭寓意盛滿的幸福,亦是點點積累而成的美好。花,讓人有美好的想像,朵朵向藍天的蕙蘭,是生活裡的小幸福。以花觀己,以瓶觀世界,從作品蕙蘭的祥和,看見不驕傲的自信。 |