Design Concept This Fengshui-inspired collection draws from millennia-old motifs in classic art to invoke the best within us: Positivity, self-encouragement, and courage. The blessed and mindful gourd can hold the golden elixir and gather spiritual energy. Amid life's rotations, it's wise to leave some space. Crafting a gourd with its own 'emptiness' is both a sincere blessing and self-inspiration. In prosperity, stay humble and leave room; in adversity, conceal your abilities and gather strength. Emptiness is boundless, a source of blessings and energy, flowing endlessly like water and clouds. 葫蘆有福更有心,可以裝金丹,聚靈氣,弱水三千只取一瓢。物事輪轉,留一點空,設計一件自帶“空境”的葫蘆,是虔誠祝福,也是一種自我提醒與激勵。順境時,虛懷若谷,凡事留一席餘地;逆境時,韜光養晦,保存實力,蓄勢待發。因為空:是無窮無盡的,是納福聚氣的,是行雲流水的,是源源不絕的。 |