Design Concept: The zodiac rat is often associated with wealth and fortune, and that is because it is the carrier of bountiful harvests and good, healthy riches. Our studio artists designed this crystal art piece in the honor of the legendary rat god of the Chinese zodiac. Its scampering paws, beaming face, and a load of lush, plump grapes all symbolize forthcoming fortunes in life. The piece is a dynamic and vivacious one, bringing attention to the LIULI artistic belief that sculpture work and acting are one and the same expression. 作品有「把好多好多祝福送給你」的直觀感受,腳的邁步、臉的喜悅、手舉好多吉利果,身上佈滿的藤樣,元素都是葡萄。累累的葡萄,與果實上「福祿壽喜財」的傳統圖紋,熱鬧且討喜。雕塑上,小鼠的動態和表情捕捉,是亮點。體現了藝術家楊惠姍談到,雕塑和表演是互通的創作特色。 |